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I Have a Story for You

Today I want to share the story of one of my clients.

Shane De Pont.

He came to me 3 years ago, when he was 21 years old.

He had been struggling with cocaine addiction for about 4 years of his youth...

He thought and try to take his life a few times while he was controlled by the addiction. When the addiction was stronger than him...

I want to give his experience as an example of what is possible when you WANT TO GET BETTER (at & with ANYTHING).

When he came to me he already tried a couple of therapists before and he was very skeptical because he did not see any improvement.

I do have to say that a big part of his recovery was the fact that he had his parents there supporting him and wanting him to recover.

BUT IF HE DID NOT DECIDE THAT HE WANTED TO RECOVER HIS LIFE, No matter how much support from any family or people, he would have NOT recover...

He did the work.

He made each session with me A PRIORITY.

He was on time to each session.

He understood that the most important thing in his life at that moment was to receive that professional help that he was getting with me at that moment, to be able to change the direction of his life..

He did HIS PART of the work.

What I am saying is that it is always a TEAM WORK.

We work together to get you better or to get you where you want and need to go.

I do not give you pills to suppress what you are feeling.

I do not give you ways to numb yourself and avoid what you need to see in order to Really HEAL.

I give you what you need, to get what you want in your Heart, in your Soul.

For your Health, for your Joy, for the Real You to live his/her Life!

TODAY, Shane is a father and he is doing his best to be a good father and pass on his learning experiences from a place of love, patience and understanding.

I am sharing his Testimonial Here:

"I just would like to start off with a simple thank you. The person I was two even three years ago is nothing compared to what I am now.

At first, I was very skeptical of helping myself and even receiving help from a complete stranger, much less for someone with hypnosis; You Evy showed me to just try it.

Because of that huge first step, I am able to live a bit more everyday, taking every step one at a time.

I am able to have my family and be there for them and support them and work together and be there for each other.

It was a lot of hard work but never be discouraged as even on the hardest of days where you feel everything maybe falling apart or you're tempted to fall back, all the sessions of building myself back up and reinforcing myself have allowed me to successful pass through those tough times and keep going!

And it's all thanks to you Evy and I hope you continue helping others and being a pillar of hope to people struggling (no matter what it may be)."

- Shane De Pont


Shane gave me permission to write and share his story, personally.


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