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Freedom and Mental Health

We are born free

"We are born Free and then we are conditioned to believe that we are not." -E.Y.P

When we are a child in this life, we are free, we know we are.  Like animals know they are free. 

As we grow up and begin to collect and accumulate social conditioning, we forget this truth.

As you go through many life lessons and experiences with freedom as one of your priorities, you learn a lot about what Freedom IS and what is NOT, All the ways that we can find and create more freedom in our lives in a real practical sense.

However,  we have to reconnect with that innate freedom as well as actively changing our circumstances,  attitudes,  beliefs,  lifestyle,  mental slavery... for us to really feel free again.

The biggest slavery is in the mind.  We have become slaves of our own minds. 

We have become slaves of other peoples thoughts and opinions about us and about everything else.. We are trapped in our own repetitive thought patterns and do and believe everything our mind tells us ...

We have made our mind and thoughts The master .

We cannot free ourselves from anything "outside" of ourselves,  from any oppression coming from "outside " without freeing ourselves from our own mental jail.

We have made our mind "The master" ...

We end up Acting accordingly to whatever it tells us and having emotional reactions according to what the mind tells us instead of responding to what is actually happening at the moment...

Now, when we start to realize our mental slavery,  gradually we have to start healing emotionally,  meaning we need to heal our past traumas and hurts. It is all connected.

You are carrying the many false and negative beliefs in your mind because of that past trauma,  because of “that thing” that happened before that made you feel in a specific way, and those feelings or emotions created the beliefs.  Then, the beliefs make you feel in a specific way, and the cycle repeats and continues…. (endlessly)

So, we start by realizing the amount of unnecessary & even destructive "stuff" we carry in our minds ... and that will take us to the next step, which is healing emotionally.

If you don't heal emotionally and ONLY change your thoughts, You will not really heal, change or grow. 

The problem will not go away completely, or it will not change long term ...

-(For more helpful info. about Healing, Watch my 3 Parts video on "How to Really Heal - Blocks & Steps" ).-


The thing is that when you forget your innate right of being free.  It will directly affect your sense of security, inner power, self-esteem, co-dependency or inter-dependency.

That is the root of many dysfunctional behaviors and mental illnesses. 

Another symptom is that we are cut off from our power of creativity.  We need to feel free to allow creativity to flow through us.  Creativity does not have a schedule, it cannot be “planed” or pre- determined according to when it is convenient for your ego-self, or for society’s (or your boss’s) expectations and demands.


If we want to reconnect with our innate freedom, if we want to feel free again.  We need to free ourselves from our own self-judgement and mental slavery. 

We must have a disciplined mind which can be used as a tool for creativity, instead of having it as a “master” running wild and controlling us like puppets.


If you want professional support to free yourself from your own “monkey mind” and start using your mind as a creative tool for the betterment of your life and the world.

Please, book your first online consultation HERE



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       These sessions and workshops are not a replacement for medical or psychiatric treatment or services.  


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