"Your Body's Hidden Power" Workshop - Part 3
Embracing Loneliness Workshop
"Your Body's Hidden Power"- Workshop 2. Video 1
"Your Body's Hidden Power" Workshop 2 - Video 2
Bellow you will find cuts from "Your Body's Hidden Power" - Workshop 2
where I am answering a question about how to recognize or find your authentic self.
And words about freedom and validation
(You can access The1st Workshop for free, and the 2nd workshop for a small cost in the self-help videos above)
"I think workshops like these are so important in the world today to remind women of their power and how wonderful it can be to be a woman if we focus on cultivating our feminine strengths (e.g., sensitivity, intuition and our capacity for love). I really loved how the workshop emphasized these qualities as strengths when often they can be seen as weaknesses in today's world.
The two workshops were also great reminders for me to be authentic, focus on my own growth and trying to understand myself and what I want rather than trying to fix others.
I am looking forward to what is next in this series!"
- Gabriella Johnson
“Thank you for the workshop Saturday. It was very informative and clarifying on a lot of things that have occurred to me over the years, Thank you so much for that. I believe I am still on my healing journey as I am better understanding a number of aspects in my life.”
Thanks again,
- Natasha Ortiz
"There was a feel good effect to this workshop, as experienced with other women-focused workshops offered by Evy.
First, it is important that we make time for ourselves to just be women and enjoy being women.
Evy's intention to focus the rest of the year on women is a powerful commitment and almost a call to action for other women.
The workshop provided a safe space for discussion but also challenged limited notions of the body altogether.
Truly 'innerstanding' that we have everything contained within us that we need to thrive, is empowering on its own.
When applying the tools that Evy offers, you can begin to unlock your gifts and step into your power.
This is both for you and for the collective. Evy herself is wonderful encouragement to get on the path less taken, and put in the work to benefit from unconditional self love and joy in its fullest sense.
It is always an added bonus to meet the women that attend these gatherings and I hope to see more women attending in the future. “
- Danielle Hardford
"You made a fantastic workshop and informed us about the collective wounds from women and explaining the effects from that to our communication with men"
- Theresa Kuhn
Freedom, Validation and Peace
Videos on The YouTube Channel are available for everyone.
Here you will find some videos that are free only for subscribers.
And other videos and content that you can have access to for a cost.
How to Heal your Inner-child
Become your Own Loving Parent?
These are extracts from a Masterclass done in June 2023.
How to start or go deeper into your Inner child healing? Inner child healing is crucial for the adult to move forward in life and to grow emotionally.
If the inner child's wounds are not acknowledged, addressed, and healed, they keep coming out in your adult life, no matter how old you are biologically.
Here you will find self-help resources for you to practice if you want to start or go deeper into your inner-child healing.
Most of the videos you will find in this channel are unfiltered, meaning, no cuts or edits.
However comes out is how it comes out, just like life. Real and unfiltered.
In this video I am only touching the surface of the subject of anger when we are healing, growing or simply trying to be better human beings.
Please just have in mind that there are many other factors and complexities to our human experience when it comes to our emotional reality.
I will probably be making more videos speaking about the importance of acknowledging, accepting and embracing the emotion of anger for our personal and spiritual growth (and healing).
When we deny or repress anger, it controls us.
When we acknowledge it, accept it, and befriend it, we are able to use it in a constructive and positive way. We are the driver, we stop being controlled BY IT.
Our power and freedom begins with knowing ourselves. When we walk the road of self-discovery, we connect with our individual/personal power.
Dedicating your life to know, unconditionally love, and accept yourself is the foundation to trust yourself and lead your life in co-creation with the universe and your individual spiritual path.
Self-knowledge, constant self-discovery and self-acceptance together with self-responsibility & self-honesty is how we begin to recover our power and freedom as individuals.
Here I'm sharing a short cut from a longer video to serve as a simple reminder.
Here I am sharing a Cut from one of the Mindful Eating Program Classes.
This exercise is the FIRST and Most Important one of the Mindful Eating Program.
We learn to do this exercise before we eat and we create a habit by doing it everyday.
When we practice this exercise before eating, We will stop over-eating or under-eating. We will eat only what our body truly needs.
Not only that, but our body will be in a relaxed state where it will receive the foods and drinks that we are consuming in a much healthier and positive way.
Practicing this exercise will also help us to identify what foods are compatible with our body and which ones are not, as we listen and feel how our body is responding to what we are putting in it.... As we stay present...
You can practice this exercise anytime of the day, whenever you feel stress, anxiety or/and nervousness.
Whenever you feel you need to calm down, and come back to sanity and to your self.
For more follow on instagram @mindfuleatingprogrambyevy
In this video I am just bringing awareness into the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Healing. It can serve as an introduction. There will be more videos and information about this subject.
In this video I am sharing one of , if not The most important step or practice that you need to master for you to start or to go deeper into Loving Yourself.
Loving yourself is a process, it is constant practice.
Loving yourself goes hand in hand with Healing and Knowing Yourself.
Self-love without healing is not real self-love.
Subscribers will always have priority on specials and some specific information
Relationship between
Priorities - Boundaries & Discipline
-Extract from Masterclass-
In this series I am describing What Real Healing IS.
Some of the main Blocks and the main steps of the process of Healing (For Real Healing to happen).
Healing is Not treating symptoms. Healing is Transformation.
Healing is NOT "fixing yourself" . It does not mean that there is something "wrong" with you.
That is an OLD Perspective.