
One of the biggest and most dangerous epidemics is apathy
The belief that what you say, think or feel has no point, meaning or power to change anything.
Thus, you choose to stay quiet
To not act
To not say
To not feel
To not speak
To not move…
You stay where you are, frozen, the same, feeling some level of safety that is slowly killing you inside…
Your soul, heart and passions slowly dissipating
Your animal nature, instincts and intuition become dormant
Completely passive and asleep.
That place is a place of complete powerlessness…
When you find yourself in that inner-state, feeling and thinking, and believing that.
You have given all your power away.
What you think matters
What you feel matters
What you want and dream matter
Your words have value, your energy has value, your actions have value
Your Life is infinitely valuable.
You choose what quality of energy, words, actions and intentions you put into your life and the collective.
Everything you do or don’t do counts. Whether it is being seen, applauded, appreciated, or not. It has power and a ripple effect, whether it is a positive thought or a negative thought.
You choose, and that is your power.
**More articles about reconnecting with your power:
Love this.. thx for sharing
great insight
Poerful. Thank you for this!!