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Change & Transformation

There are so many things out of our control

And we know that.

Yet, we still worry and feel stressed in the middle of uncertainty

We can still feel out of place and lost when we have no control of something/s

We can get so out of alignment and off center because some or many pieces of the puzzle we previously had

Are being shuffled

They are being re-arranged

And in the middle of it there is an inevitable stage of not knowing

Not knowing what the new picture is going to be.

A stage where we can feel that the ground where we where standing has been taken off from under our feet...

In those stages or moments is when we are being asked to trust

Where the only thing left to do is to trust

Trust in life

Trust in god

In the universe

In divine timing

In yourself

In what you have learned from the past

In that you have been through hard times before and you made it to the other side stronger and wiser than before

In your capabilities and your inner strength to weather the "storm" or the rocky waters ...

These are life cycles and transformations.

We cannot escape from them if we are in constant growth and expansion

If you are evolving and learning,  you will be going through these cycles. Where you feel like everything has moved, and you cannot find your ground...

You feel that because that is exactly what is happening (figuratively) and sometimes literally...

But either way, it is for your own evolution.

It is to give you something that is more aligned with who you truly are / becoming and what you are here to be and do...

The good news is that the more you go through these transformations, the more you can join without resisting and fighting it, the more flowing it feels, even if it is still hard sometimes...

At least you are going with it, understanding that you are in a process of transformation like the Caterpillar before she becomes a flying beautiful free butterfly.



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       These sessions and workshops are not a replacement for medical or psychiatric treatment or services.  


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