I am No SuperWoman

The amount of pressure and expectations that a woman has and has had in the world we have known so far…
Specially women who like their independence and are perceived as strong.
A strong woman will take anything and then get up again, and keep taking and keep getting up.
She will carry more than she should. She will carry the concerns, the pains and the worries of those she cares about.
She will help whoever needs help even when she is drawing herself, and on top of that she wants to save the world with its children and all living things.
She is carrying more that she should, and she keeps going. And she keeps getting up, and life keeps throwing things and challenges her way, but she chooses to see the positive side of things. She chooses to learn from the challenge and keep going… That’s what a strong person does anyways.
She can feel compassion for every single suffering living thing on the planet, but she can also carry that pain with her… and she seems to not know how to feel the same compassion for herself…
It comes a time, when that woman realizes that she is No Superhuman. She is no Super Woman. She is not supposed to be, and she is not meant to carry the pain of the Whole WORLD.
That the fact that she can take an unbelievable amount of EVERYTHING and pain, does not mean that she should or that it is her responsibility, or that it is good for her…
In fact, it not good for her. It is not healthy for her. It is not healthy for her nervous system. It is not SUSTAINABLE….
And she will break down or burn out at some point, or simply get physically ill, because her body needs to rest…
Some of us, in this time and age need to understand that we are not responsible for the WHOLE suffering of the planet. That we cannot carry and “save” the whole world and everyone in it. That we are one human being and the fact that we are strong does not mean that we need to carry more than we should.
Those were other times… when some of these women would do that. Those were other times when the strong woman, because she is strong , she will just take it…
She will sacrifice her life, her desires, her dreams, in the name of someone she loves or wants to protect. And it was ok then.
Now, we understand that, as we do that we are NOT loving and protecting OURSELVES. We are not taking ourselves into consideration. We are not being compassionate enough with ourselves. We are not including ourselves in that same love, kindness and compassion that we give to others.
The realization of today is that we also deserve our love and compassion. That we can get help and support from others. That we are not alone carrying all the pain. That we can let go of the pain of others and only heal what is ours as individuals.
Each individual is responsible for their own healing. And when it comes to animals, children and every other living thing on the planet, we can help by healing and loving ourselves, because when you do that you are automatically changing the energy on the planet, you are adding your “grain of sand” to the whole.
You are able to generate love, peace and light for everyone.
When you heal and truly love yourself. When you live your life from your heart center, you generate love, light and Joy with every single Act, Word, Intention and Thought that you have. That energy is extended all around you.
When you are in that center and that place in your being. You will know what is your True Power.
We are all connected and just like you can feel the pain of others, you can affect them by feeling love and compassion for them, for the world and for yourself.
Thank you for reading and being connected.
With Love & Gratitude,