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Are we Ready to "Know it"? - An Ode to Venezuela

Born and raised in Venezuela

Having to leave in my teens

Just like so many others

Being obligated to leave your home

Your land

Your food

Your family

Everything that was familiar to you

It's just gone

We embraced our new life

We embraced our new opportunities

We found our way in the world in foreign places

With other cultures

Other food

Other languages

We have, and we did because we are an unbelievably resilient bunch

And we have learned

And we have adapted to new ways

And we have grown

And we have shared our culture and our hearts for sure

Because that is what we do

We can't help it

We welcome you into our home, no matter what colour your skin is

no matter where you come from

We want to feed you with our food

We want you to feel like you are family

We want you to feel home and welcomed

And we have thrived and learned to live away from our land

And we are grateful that we could survive from everything that went down in the past

But we carry Venezuela in our Hearts

We carry our land and our warmth in our hearts and soul

There is no way that that can ever leave us

And there is no way that we can ever leave that

Because we were born and raised there

And there is nothing in this world that can explain what it feels like

Only those who did, and had to leave to create the best possible life outside in other places

Can know the feeling

Only those can understand

Venezuela, her Natural Beauty & Power, and her huge mix of people

Is an incredibly beautiful,  abundant, resilient,  strong, compassionate,  big hearted place that I can truly appreciate with everything in my being, thanks to being outside of it for so long.

Like many others

We did not know what we had

We did not appreciate her enough

We did not take care of her as she deserved

We did not stand by her side

We sold ourselves to the USA looking at them like "the big thing", and speaking poorly about our amazing, beautiful and abundant LAND .

We did not know how to take care of her with love, appreciation and honour.

We did not speak about her with true pride and humility.


We know


We know what we lost


We know what we had


We know how fucking lucky we were to have been born in "almost" the richest country in the world

Yes, richest. In every sense.

And that is why it has been targeted by so many "others" wanting to take

To own

To abuse

Because "they" know how rich that country is

Do WE know it?

Are we ready to KNOW IT

Are we ready to appreciate her and take care of her like she deserves. Like we deserve?

And SPEAK with LOVE, respect and honour about Her

Proud to Be

But also humble enough to keep being the big warm-hearted people that we ARE.

And have always been...


With Love,



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