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A Letter To Men

Today I want to celebrate the men in my life. And all those men that you know that have been a support or a positive influence in your life, in one way or another.

Lately we have been talking so much about women's empowerment and women's rights and women's collective wounds, etc.

I have been providing a lot of my teachings and services specifically to women’s healing and working with women's collective pain.

All of it is important and valid of course. I am not putting that down at all!

I just felt that I wanted to ALSO celebrate and show appreciation and gratitude for the men in my life first, and then for all those other men in the world who also do this for the women in their lives.

For their support, their Honesty and their Love. ( We, women cannot do it alone and no-one can. If we are going to rise, we need to rise together.)

I begin with my father and my brother. The two first men I met in this life.

They have been an example of "good men" for me.

What I mean with “good men” is that they always have your best interest in their minds, everything they tell you or suggests is because they want to make your life easier or better or happier.

Their intention comes from love. Love for You.

Not love for their male egos...

These are the things I have taken from both of them first, and then I have met many other good men who have been a positive support and encouragement for me whether financially, emotionally or spiritually in many different occasions in my life.

I have great Male friends who I appreciate so much for their honesty and true friendship ...

And I am sure, that you have met at least one man like this. I am sure that you have had/or have at least one man like this in your life.

Whether you are a woman or a man.

I have also met the other ones who are not secure enough to support and give a safe container to their women in their lives, and the ones that whatever they do for you is to satisfy their egos, not really “FOR YOU”.

But I am also grateful for these men.

Because these men have shown me what I Do NOT WANT from a man.

How I do not want to be treated and How some men are so insecure and hurt that they will rather destroy the woman they are with than GROW themselves.

Some men do not ever want to grow.

Women. Beware of these men. And whenever you encounter them or find yourself IN the situation, STEP OUT and take your time and space to Love and Respect Yourself.

The greatest gift I have received from these men, BOTH, the “good men” and the insecure and hurt ones, is the Love, Appreciation , Respect and Value I have for myself TODAY.

Honestly, it is thanks to these men that I have learned to receive the Love, Acceptance and Respect that I deserve, from myself FIRST.

I am truly grateful for each one of you. Some of you will know who you are, and some may not!

Either way, I hope this has touched your Heart in some way and that it made you think of the men in Your life.

And If you are one of those men who ARE GROWING, Truly from the INSIDE. I Celebrate you, I Appreciate you and I THANK YOU.

With Love,



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