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How do You Love Yourself?

It is easy to love yourself when you are succeeding.

It’s easy to love yourself when you feel your prettiest.

It’s easy to love yourself when you feel you are in your "perfect weight" or "perfect body".

It’s easy to love yourself when you have people around telling you how much they love you or like you…

But what happens when you are falling down?

When you feel your ugliest?

When you got some extra kilos?

When you are feeling down and lonely?

When you feel rejected or as an outsider?

When you feel your weakest?

When you make a mistake?

Who loves you then?

How do you treat yourself in those moments?

How do you practice kindness, understanding and compassion with yourself?

What kind of friend are you to yourself in those moments?

You know LOVE

when you start embracing ALL OF YOU. The WHOLE YOU. The darkness and the Light. The truth in yourself & the conditioned self. The Beauty and the wounds...

When you are your best and most supportive friend in the hardest times of your life.

When you can hold all those wounded parts that you find in yourself with the same care and deep love you would hold a wounded puppy…

The beauty of it IS

that you can start the practice at any moment.

Wherever you find yourself in your life… You can start to practice self-kindness, self-acceptance and unconditional love.

There is no previous "requirement" for YOU to start diving deeper into self-knowledge and self-LOVE.

The only thing you need is to want to...


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