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Strong Woman

Strong Women

Being a strong woman doesn't mean being a "bitch"

Being a strong woman doesn't mean that you are "like a man"

Being a strong woman doesn't mean that you don't cry

Being a strong woman doesn't mean that you don't show any vulnerability or compassion

Being a strong woman doesn't mean that you don't "need a man"

It doesn't mean that you can do everything a man can do.

Being a strong woman means that you embrace your vulnerability and your softness.

It  means that you know the strength and power that you have just by being in a female body.

It means that you embrace your feminine energy as well as your masculine energy.

It means that you are compassionate

You are kind

You listen and follow your heart no matter what

You do what is right, not what is easy.

You allow yourself to love fully and completely without shame

You feel free to Express your Authentic Self

You have the courage to stand for yourself and your truth without seeking validation from others.

You do not give yourself blindly to a man.

Being a strong woman means that you love and respect yourself no matter what .

Being a strong Woman means that

You are committed to yourself, 

and you will choose to lose anyone else before having to lose yourself.


If anyone in your life is making you feel like you cannot be who you are and is making you feel like you are losing and betraying your truth, that person is not good for you.

When you don't have a strong enough sense of self, what happens is that you will lose yourself and betray yourself "for" that person.

Sometimes thinking that is "for love", but that is not love.

Nothing that is taking you away from your truth and your most authentic YOU, is love.



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